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Which Other Candidates are Supported by Ohio Educators?

Learn about more candidates who are supported by Ohio’s educators by visiting

You can find the “Champions of Public Education” candidates by typing your name, address, and zip code. We encourage you to share the list of endorsed candidates with friends and family. Links to social media platforms are provided.

Visit and share it with your friends, family, and colleagues!

REA Teams up to get the Votes!

Thank you to those who volunteered their time to canvass for the LEVY!

OEA Applauds State Controlling Board Decision to Approve Full Funding for the State Board of Education


At the August 19, 2024, Ohio Controlling Board hearing, State Representative Jay Edwards (R-Nelsonville) moved to amend the $1.85 million emergency State Board of Education (SBOE) funding request to provide full funding of $4.66 million in Fiscal Year 2025. The amended motion was approved.

Fully funding the State Board means that the Board can support the Resident Educator program, ensure the safety and well-being of students by conducting comprehensive, necessary background checks in a timely manner, help address educator recruitment and retention, and ensure timely completion of misconduct investigations so educator rights are protected without increasing licensure fees on teachers.

OEA extends its gratitude to the Ohio House leadership, to State Representative Jay Edwards (R-Nelsonville) and State Representative Bride Rose Sweeney (D-Westlake), and members of the Controlling Board for their continued work to ensure that closing the State Board’s funding gap was not placed on the backs of Ohio’s educators. Finally, OEA also thanks the many members throughout the state who advocated for the funding for the State Board. Without your continued advocacy, which sent 5,400 letters to members of the Ohio General Assembly and Governor DeWine, this outcome would not have been possible.

Click here to read a recent WOSU article about the Controlling Board’s action.

Back-2-School Gathering

Central is hosting a Back-2-School gathering at the Hofbräuhaus Columbus (800 Goodale Blvd, Columbus, OH 43212) on Aug 21 from 5:00 PM until 7:00 PM for all members. We will have food, beverages, networking and giveaways.

Interested in joining us? Please register by August 16. To register

  • Log in to your Central account at (or create an account if you don’t have one)
  • Scroll to the “Back-2-School” event and click “Going”. Wait a short moment for it to register. That’s it.

Register Now for the 2024 OEA Summer Leadership Academy

2024 OEA Summer Leadership Academy
June 20-22,2024

Hilton Columbus Downtown
402 North High Street

Registration is now open for the 2024 OEA Summer Leadership Academy:

Learning and Leading: Leveraging Our Power for Public Education.

Join your colleagues in Columbus for this remarkable event. This year, the $100.00 registration fee includes your registration, hotel (double occupancy), all scheduled meals and:

  • Opening Session: Keynote Speaker – Dr. Pedro Antonio Noguera, leading scholar on issues related to race, inequality and education
  • Closing Session: Keynote – Learning from OEA’s Award Winning Educator Leaders
  • More than thirty breakout sessions to support leadership development in all areas of the NEA Leadership Competency Framework
  • Networking Opportunities – Reception and Cookout at the Franklin Conservatory
  • 10.5 contact hours for professional development needs; completion hour certificate provided.

Additional details about the 2024 OEA Summer Leadership Academy can be found here:

Cooper to Receive Accolade Award

REA treasurer, Kim Cooper, earned the Accolade Award from Central OEA/NEA for recognition of exceptional service to members  in support of the Association’s services and programing. Central President, Adrian Bowden, and Vice President, Jim Templeton awarded this to Kim at the Central Representative meeting this spring.