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REA General Membership Meeting CHECK YOUR EMAILS!

The Spring General Membership Meeting will be held on Monday, March 20th, at 5:30 p.m. via Zoom. An agenda and Zoom link will be sent out the week prior. Elections for any contested officer or NEA RA Delegate positions will be held at each building on Tuesday, March 21st.

NEA Representative Assembly Delegates

Anyone interested in being one of (3) NEA Representative Assembly Delegates, send Susan Alexander an email expressing your interest by Friday, March 10th. The NEA Representative Assembly is in person in July in Philly! Each summer, approximately 6,000 educators meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead. These delegates represent the 3 million members of the NEA.

NEA Representative Assembly Information Link

NEW REA Officers!

The Vice President and Treasurer Officer positions are up for election for a (2) year term beginning July 1, 2023. Anyone interested in running for either of these positions, send Susan Alexander an email expressing your interest by Friday, March 10th. For any contested positions candidates will be given the opportunity to speak at the General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 20th, and also communicate a statement via an REA email notification.

Arthur Lard for STRS

The STRS Election is just around the corner. You should begin to receive your ballot early April. This is a critical election for our retirement security, and re-electing Arthur Lard is of paramount importantance. You can hear from, and ask Arthur questions at a special Zoom meeting Central is hosting. Simply register using the link below.

When: Mar 29, 2023 05:30 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)

Register in advance for this meeting

After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the meeting.

The OEA Board of Directors has endorsed Arthur Lard for election to the State Teachers Retirement System (STRS) Board representing active teachers. Lard is a teacher in Portsmouth City Schools with over 25 years of experience. He teaches Business Education, Financial Management and Accounting.

Additionally, he has served as Treasurer of his local Association for over 19 years. Lard has been a Contributing Member of STRS since 2019. His term extends through Aug. 31, 2023.

Important Dates to Remember:

Early April- May 1: Member voting period

May 1: Votes must be cast- final deadline

Ways to cast your vote: using an official ballot, by phone or online.

Looking for NEA Representative Assembly Delegates!

Anyone interested in being one of (3) NEA Representative Assembly Delegates, send Susan Alexander an email expressing your interest by Friday, March 10th. The NEA Representative Assembly is in person from July 2-6 in Orlando, FL. Each summer, approximately 6,000 educators meet to debate the vital issues that impact American public education and set National Education Association policy and activities for the year ahead. These delegates represent the 3 million members of the NEA.

NEA Representative Assembly Information Link

Interested in being an REA Officer?

The Vice President and Treasurer Officer positions are up for election for a (2) year term beginning July 1, 2023. Anyone interested in running for either of these positions, send Susan Alexander an email expressing your interest by Friday, March 10th. For any contested positions candidates will be given the opportunity to speak at the General Membership Meeting on Monday, March 20th, and also communicate a statment via an REA email notification.