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Remember to look for the link to attend the General meeting scheduled on Wednesday, March 23rd.

Treasurers Workshop, Presidents and Building Rep Training

The 2021 Treasurer’s Workshops, President’s Training and Building Rep training will be delivered to you virtually.
June 14th, 2021
Presidents Training 9:00am – 11:30am
Treasurer’s Workshop for New Treasurers 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Treasurer’s Workshop for Experienced Treasurers 2:45pm – 3:45pm
June 15th, 2021
Building Rep Training – 9:00am – 11:00am
Emerging Leaders Training – 1:00pm – 2:30pm
Registration is required for all these sessions on the Central website.
To register:
1. Log in (or create an account first if you do not already have one) to Central’s website.
2. Scroll down the list of events and select the session you are interested in registering for, from the list of events.
3. Select “Going” from the drop-down menu, and wait a moment for it to register. That’s it.

Central will send out the Zoom information to all registered attendees a few days before the sessions begin.

Please log on to zoom using your first and last name so they can take attendance to issue CEU’s and give your local credit for your participation.




OEA Testifies in Support of HB 67

On Tuesday, March 9, 2021, OEA President Scott DiMauro testified in support of Substitute House Bill 67. The bill would allow high school students to use course grades instead of scores on end-of-course exams given this year for the purposes of high school graduation. Further, the bill would allow local education officials to make graduation decisions for seniors who are on track to graduate this year and provide additional testing flexibility.

The bill passed the House last week by a wide margin but without an emergency clause that is needed for it to have its intended effect. DiMauro asked the Senate Primary and Secondary Education Committee to pass the bill quickly and re-insert the emergency clause. You can read his full testimony here. The bill is expected to have an additional hearing and possible vote next week.

HB 200: Bi-Partisan Report Card Bill Would Eliminate A-F Letter Grades

Reps. Don Jones (R-Freeport) and Phil Robinson (D-Solon) have introduced legislation to improve Ohio’s state report card system. HB 200 bill has 58 co-sponsors and is expected to receive serious consideration in the Ohio House of Representatives.

HB 200 would replace misleading A-F letter grades with a series of measures that use expectations/needs-based ratings as follows: “significantly exceeds expectations,” “exceeds expectations,” “meets expectations,” “significantly approaching expectations,” “moderately approaching expectations” and “in need of support.” Overall performance ratings of school districts and buildings are prohibited under the bill.

While the proposal keeps the flawed value-added student growth measure, it seeks to make improvements in how the measure is used. The State Board of Education would also be permitted to replace value-added with a different growth measure. Other areas for improvement in the bill include adding a Student Opportunity Profile that allows districts to report information about education programs, extracurricular activities, student supports, staffing ratios and other pertinent information about the district/building.

OEA is taking an “Interested Party” position on HB 200 and will be engaging with legislators and other stakeholders to support areas of progress while recommending specific improvements.

Board Meeting Scheduled for April

The next board of education meeting is Tuesday, April 20 at 6:30. REA strongly encourages you to watch or attend. The board meeting information can be accessed here . Look through and read the policies and plan to attend/watch the board meeting.

The Latest from OEA Legislative Watch


HB 409 – Ohio Senate Passes More Covid-19 School Flexibility Measures

The Ohio Senate passed more Covid-19 school flexibility measures supported by OEA this week (12.17.20). The Ohio House still needs to concur with Senate changes to House Bill 409.

HB 409 would do the following:

  • Suspends report card letter grades for the 2020-21 school year.
  • Establishes a safe harbor from penalties and sanctions for school districts and schools based on the state report card data for the 2020-2021 school year.
  • Exempts for the 2020-2021 school year schools from retaining a student under the Third Grade Reading Guarantee based solely on the student’s academic performance in reading, unless the student’s principal and reading teacher determine the student is not reading at grade level and is not prepared for fourth grade.

For a summary and status of recent legislation with Covid-19 flexibility provisions, click HERE.

HB 409 – Reduces Resident Educator License to 2 years and Eliminates Certain Licenses

Before passing HB 442 this week (12.17.20), the Ohio Senate Transportation, Commerce, and Workforce Committee added language that would do the following:

  • Eliminates the requirement that individuals hold a substitute license from the state board of education.
  • No longer require a separate pupil services license from the state board of education for certain individuals already licensed by another professional board (i.e. school speech language pathologists, audiologists, school nurses, physical therapists, occupational therapists, and social workers).
  • Requires the State Board of Education to determine a method to condense the four-year Teacher Residency program into a two-year program, including a timeframe by which individuals already enrolled in the program will complete the program.

For a summary of HB 442, click HERE.

Be Informed by Engaging With the Board of Education

The next board of education meeting is Tuesday, Dec 15 at 6:30. REA strongly encourages you to watch or attend. The board meeting information can be accessed here . Look through and read the policies and plan to attend/watch the board meeting.